We understand the challenges with the internet in Papua New Guinea, it's overpriced and not always reliable. Excite is changing that by offering new KU Band satellite Internet Service and Excite will be the first company to offer Ka band from a geostationary satellite, estimated to launch the beginning of 2019.
KU Band
We are excited to have the ability to offer KU Band up to 95 percent of Papua New Guinea, making it possible to get quality internet service in the most remote areas. Whether it's a business, mine or oil and gas site, we can deliver high speed reliable internet to your location.
KA Band
Excite will be the first company to offer KA Band from geostationary satellite, estimated to launch the beginning of 2019 in the Melanesia Region. KA Band has a much stronger signal and is less expensive than C Band and KU Band. Our existing customer base will receive priority access to the KA Band once it becomes available.
Equipment + Cloud
Cisco is a world renowned hardware provider when it comes to making routers and other internet service products. Cisco has a cloud based management system which gives us access to data extremely quick to monitor your service. It also gives you the ability to control what data usage your employees can use.
Best Customer Service
We understand how important it is to provide a superior customer service. Through our cloud based management system we are able to identify your needs in real time. We are focused on quality over quantity because we know having a good relationship with you our customer is our highest priority.
Licenses & Certifications
Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) of Papua New Guinea
- Excite has received its IPA certificate.
- IPA Number: 1-111966
Foreign Certificate
- Excite has received its certificate permitting a foreign enterprise to carry on business activity.
- Excite Limited Certification Number: 102392
National Information and Communications Technology Authority (NICTA)
1. Individual Applications License
- License Number: OPAL 16-0052
- Individual Application License to provide internet services (voice and data) in PNG.
2. Individual Network License
- License Number: OPNL 16-0069
- Individual Network (facilities and services) license to provide data and internet services over facilities and infrastructures for its customers in PNG.
3. Individual Network (Gateway) License
- License Number: OPGL 16-0030
- Individual Network Gateway License (Gateway) license to provide international connectivity services for international voice and data connectivity.